愛神的樂章 囍餅禮盒 / 菓子
彷彿看見愛神化身樂手,愛的樂章輕舞飛揚,伴隨戀人許諾呢喃,愛的誓言純潔無瑕,在那時空凝結的屏息剎那,見證愛情的永恆瞬間」 「當婚禮響起結婚進行曲的那一刻,彷彿愛神施展魔力,所有人無論是受邀的來賓、或是男女主角,都浸潤在幸福的樂章」,主視覺愛神吹奏樂曲、細部設計包含帶有婚紗聯想之蕾絲、以及無論是禮盒側邊之五線譜,搭配禮盒圓盒之形式,在在傳遞一種環繞感,有如被樂曲包圍一般。

Description:「The bandsmen are the incarnation of Cupid. The movement of love flies with lovers’ murmur. The pure vow of love witnesses the eternity moment of love, at the instant when space and time congeal.」 Core concept-Music box and Cupid. We imagine our wedding cookie gift box is a music box. Since in Greek and Roman mythology, Cupid represents love, we use the image of Cupid to decorate this music box. Then we are devoted to drawing a picture ---「When wedding march starts, Cupid spreads the magic power of love, and people are immersed in the melody of happiness」 To have a impression of being surrounded by music, we depict the scene of Cupid playing music, going with laces, staffs, and round box. As for marketing strategy, to appeal to clients who expect something a bit special but not avant-garde, we choose fuchsia to color our gift box. This color is close to traditional main wedding color (red) but more sprightly.
Package / 2015
Creative Director
Art Director
Wang Chia Ying
Lin Chieh Hui
Lin Chieh Hui, Wang Chia Ying
Sky Hsu
Wu2 Creative Limited Company
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