LIOUGUEL Farmer's Association 高雄市六龜區農會 / 農特產

2002年六龜農會試圖將農特產品品牌化,因此取名「黑鑽石蓮霧」並將產品意象作為視覺,商標註冊「南果美眉黑鑽石蓮霧」名稱,而2021年因高雄市政府農業局輔導專案的關係,設計團隊提出希望農會品牌能與現今市場相輔,期望翻新並重新塑造農會整體品牌視覺。RE:Branding首先我們保留品牌名稱「南果美眉」並將其意象活化。除其名稱之外,我們將六龜農會架構品牌意象以「南果美眉」為主軸,定調為六龜農特產的總體品牌形象。除了展現在包裝設計以外,保留活動之彈性,農會可開闊後續美眉選拔、果物代言人等可能發展。商標本身用一筆成型的輕快LOGO,俏麗短髮上結合英文字母LIOUGUEL並繪製果物與當地紫斑蝶輪廓,以近乎一筆成型的輕快桃色線條,將「南果美眉」擬象為一名少女側臉,勾勒甜美的視覺意象,綻放著春意盎然的嶄新形象。蓮霧頂級禮盒中,使用甜美果鄉的視覺代言,讓身穿大片裙擺的「南果美眉」現身於蓮霧禮盒,擁蓮霧環繞於其中,與聞香而來的紫斑蝶,共同述說著六龜豐富果物的迷人可口,當層列展開「南果美眉」裙襬相聯,一眼望向甜美果鄉,整體相襯著百貨精品的高規格。 而在其他果物,包含聞名的金煌芒果以及木瓜,則是另外開發通用手提紙箱,並於箱體上以水果輕鬆寫意的輪廓圖形遍布木瓜、芒果等果物,象徵果之鄉多元豐富景象,而正面則使用虛實的繪畫技巧以蓮霧之型態,呼應六龜地名河床六座大石之意,隱性的連結產地來源,作為六龜農會延伸之象徵符碼。

In 2002, Liouguei Farmers’ Association introduced "Black Diamond Wax Apple” as their branded agricultural specialty product, trademarked as "Southern Beauty Black Diamond Wax Apple." In 2021, with guidance from Kaohsiung City Government's Agriculture Bureau, the association sought to revamp their brand for better market alignment.
Under the RE:Branding initiative, they retained the name "Southern Beauty" as the core theme, encompassing Liouguei Agricultural Association's specialties. The sleek and vibrant logo portrayed a charming girl with short hair, symbolizing "Southern Belle" with fruit and a local purple butterfly. The imagery exuded sweetness and freshness. In the deluxe Lotus Fruit Gift Box, "Southern Beauty" was elegantly presented, surrounded by luscious lotus fruits and graceful purple butterflies, highlighting Liouguei's diverse and captivating fruit offerings. The design aligned with high-end boutique standards.
For other fruits like Golden Mango and Papaya, a versatile paper box featured free-spirited fruit contour drawings, signifying the abundant fruit-producing landscape. The front art subtly represented a lotus fruit, connecting to Liouguei's name meaning "six huge rocks in the riverbed" and its source of origin.
This rebranding breathed new life into "Southern Beauty" as the emblem of agricultural excellence. The refreshed visual identity created a delightful and memorable experience for customers to enjoy.

Branding / 2022
Creative Director
Art Director
Wang Chia Ying
Lin Chieh Hui
Lin Chieh Hui, Wang Chia Ying,Liou shih hua
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