台南玉井天埔社區 / 美妝

品牌名稱為 TIANPU,意味著絲瓜在台南玉井天埔社區的原生地,採用天湖綠和蔚藍色為主要品牌色系。透過品牌,我們希望呈現絲瓜所代表的清爽天然與生活感,同時強調台南玉井天埔社區作為絲瓜的產地,傳達出台灣在農業生產上的代表性。品牌設計概念以絲瓜和天埔社區的元素為主要設計元素,呈現清新、自然、和諧的形象。此外,TIANBU品牌涵蓋多款絲瓜美妝用品,包括絲瓜水、絲瓜露等,以絲瓜天然保濕、舒適的特性,打造出產品的特點。我們希望透過這些商品,向外推廣台南玉井天埔社區的美好風光和文化特色,讓更多人認識並熱愛這片土地,同時也讓消費者享受到來自台灣農業的優質產品。

The brand name is TIANPU, which means the native land of bottle gourd in the Tianpu community of Yujing, Tainan. The main brand colors are Tianhu green and azure blue. Through the brand, we aim to present the refreshing and natural qualities associated with bottle gourd, as well as the sense of lifestyle it represents. Additionally, we emphasize the Tianpu community in Yujing, Tainan as the birthplace of bottle gourd, conveying Taiwan's representativeness in agricultural production. The brand design concept focuses on the elements of bottle gourd and the Tianpu community, using clean and modern fonts to create a fresh, natural, and harmonious image.

Furthermore, the TIANPU brand includes a variety of bottle gourd beauty products such as bottle gourd water and bottle gourd dew, highlighting the natural moisturizing and comfortable characteristics of bottle gourd to create product features. We hope to promote the beautiful scenery and cultural characteristics of the Tianpu community in Yujing, Tainan through these products, allowing more people to recognize and love this land, while also allowing consumers to enjoy high-quality products from Taiwan's agriculture.
Branding / 2022
Creative Director
Art Director
Wang Chia Ying
Lin Chieh Hui
Lin Chieh Hui, Wang Chia Ying,Liou shih hua
Copyright © INPIN DESIGN INC. All rights reserved.